Flashback Friday

12:11 PM

Happy Friday lovebugs! For this post I wanted to try something different (I actually didn't plan this, it just worked out beautifully) and do a post that featured items and styles from previous posts. 

To begin, you may recognize this Forever 21 top from a post I did with Aurora Peterson last August (seen here). It is so comfy and perfect for spring time because it is thick enough to keep you warm on a rainy day, but light enough that you aren't overheated. Plus the shape/size doesn't obscure your body shape and the detailing on the front gives it a feminine feel. 

The shoes (seen here) are from Target and they were in the clearance section! I love the way that they match my pants and how the two pieces add a pop of spring color to freshen up the look. 

Although these bow earrings (also from Forever 21) have not been featured in a post before, I thought they were a smooth transition from my last post and keeping with the bow theme.

Let me know what you think about doing more Flashback Friday posts in the future or your thoughts on this outfit in the comments below!

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  1. I love the flashback Friday idea! It gives people the chance to see multiple items paired differently to get ideas for fresh new looks with the same items they might have. Such a cool thing. Love you lady!
