Unicorns and Uniforms

3:03 PM

***Note: If you came here for unicorns, you'll be disappointed. Nothing else rhymes with uniform, but I think we can move past this misunderstanding***

 You know that one item in your closet that you've had forever and you don't know how to style it? You think "one day I'll find a way to wear this" but here you are years later, still holding onto that item of clothing? In reality, the only reason you have kept this item is because it has sentimental value in your life and memories, not because you'll actually wear it again. 
Well mine is my uniform skirt from high school. 


I had been wearing a uniform for 6 years and the idea of not wearing a uniform to school was odd to me. Instead of getting rid of mine, which I assume every other female Trinity graduate did two years ago when we graduated, I put mine in the back of my closet and every time I would go through it, I would pretend it wasn't there.
For me, it's truly not because I want to go back to high school (I mean high school was cool and all but we all have to move forward) but when you have it in your closet for multiple years you're like "well where else would it be?"
So for this shoot I brought this sucker out, brushed it off and wanted to take it from an old uniform skirt to something that can actually be worn on a day-to-day basis. I then ventured over to good ol' Trin and frolicked in the rain on the soccer field like i did every day of middle and high school. 

***Not shown: My blush Mossimo flats seen here on Instagram. Be sure to follow me @krazykaloogs***

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