Pumpkins with Pizzazz

12:17 PM

While at the farmers market last Sunday I saw these tiny pumpkins on sale. Being the fall fanatic I am, I picked up three, intending to use them to spice up our front porch. 

The more I looked at them though, the more I wanted to decorate them and make them unique. So if you're like me and you want to add a little pizzazz to your pumpkins without having to pick up a knife, here's three ideas for pizzazzing your pumpkins!

1. Donut/Doughnut (What's the difference? Help a girl out!): For this one I just used a creamy/tanish color for the dough part and a dark brown for the chocolate. For the sprinkles, I took a thinner brush and did small flecks of color. 

2. Ombre: This one took the longest of all three because you're dealing with three separate colors. If you're patient, you can do this over a few days. I was too excited and ended up sticking the pumpkin in the mouth of a cup and drying each section with a blow dryer. For this design, I used a sponge brush to blend in the shading so that there would not be severe lines. 

3. Push Pin Heart: You've probably seen designs like this around. All you do is double knot thread to a push pin and then zigzag the thread from one pin to another. To finish it, I wrapped the thread around a push pin a few times and then modpodged it to the pumpkin. Once the end is secured, push the pins in fully so no thread escapes and unravels. 

There you have it! Three easy DIY's to take your pumpkins from ordinary to extraordinary!

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