How to Keep Your Resolutions for 2018

9:33 AM

***ED WARNING: I recognize that some of my beautiful readers may struggle with eating disorders or body dysmorphia. Since many people decide to make resolutions about weight loss, conversation about that and dieting are included within this post. I try to write about it in a way that is health focused, not number or size focused.***

I know what you're thinking: "Kaylie, it's only a week into 2018, why are you writing a post about keeping our new years resolutions?" 
To be blunt, because most of us have already ditched our intended efforts for the year. 

It's hard to make changes in your life, even if you know they will be for the better. In an effort to encourage you (and myself), I give you three ways to make sure that you keep your goals for 2018:

1. Start Small and Focus on Current Goals. 
I think it can be attractive to make big goals for ourselves because we desire to see big change in our lives. Try not to do this though, because it will be discouraging. Try to take it week by week. For example: Instead of saying "this year I will loose 100 pounds," make the goal "this week I will loose 2 pounds." In the end you will have the same result, but you will have a greater chance of being encouraged by your goal. In the same way, try not to focus on what life will be like when you are at your goal weight or have blemish free skin or when your life is "perfect" in your mind because it will get you down now. Instead of focusing on the goal before you this week, you will end up focusing on where you feel you are deficient. 

2. Switch from Goal-Setting to Habit Forming.
Some of this comes naturally (like your body getting used to a new way of eating or getting used to a workout regimen you've been doing for a few weeks), but other parts of this point have to be intentional. You may have a goal of only being on Netflix for one hour a day, but if you don't put in the effort to turn off the TV, or if you don't make a list of other things you can do with that time instead, you may find yourself binge watching for hours. In the same way, if your resolution is to put 15 minutes a day away for a quiet time, and then don't actively put time aside and fill up all of your time, you'll never meet your goal. Be intentional and switch from thinking about how great it would be to reach you goal, to actually doing it. 

3. Don't Forget to Reflect.
There's this cultural idea that the end of December is the only time we can reflect on our resolutions, but this is only 1/365 of your year. Every week you should reflect on what you did, where you could improve and what you will do to better yourself for the next week. This will help you to refocus and will (hopefully) encourage you for the upcoming week. 

I hope that this blog post is helpful! Remember that change takes time and that every journey to self-betterment is different. Don't compare your goals or achievements to anyone else's. 

Thank you Anna T Photography for these amazing photos!

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