Plum and Prussian Blue

10:02 AM

Hello Friends! 

It has been over 2 months since I last put up a blog 😮😭😱 and I have missed it!

Since I last posted, I have been to India and back. While there, I rarely had wifi which allowed me to take a break from social media and the blogging world overall. What I realized in that time away is that I do not want my blog to be like a majority of blogs out there. I want my blog to be more than a place to find "cute" outfit ideas. I want my blog to STAND FOR SOMETHING, I want my blog to have a PURPOSE. 

I decided I'm going to switch up my focus and make my blog about promoting and benefiting companies that deserve that recognition. From now on I will only be wearing items that fit into one or more of these three categories:

1. Businesses that are sustainable and eco-friendly. I want to associate myself with businesses that want to better the earth. If I buy a cotton shirt, I want the company that grows and harvests the cotton to leave the earth better than when they started. I also plan on doing DIY's that promote upcycling or recycling clothing - whether through remaking a shirt into a cute tank, recycling materials or being a part of a clothing swap. 

2.  Businesses that promote slow fashion. When I say slow fashion, I'm talking about an up and coming movement where we don't just buy clothes because they're cheap or get rid of clothing because we're bored with them. When I was in India, local designer Rahul Mishra described the earth like a mother. You wouldn't expect a woman to give birth every nine months, she needs time to heal and recuperate before she can give birth again, her body needs a break. In the same way, you can't expect to overuse materials and keep taking from the environment without giving something back and giving it time to recoup. 

3. Businesses with giveback programs, either a monetary giveback or a physical product giveback,

To begin with this movement, here is an example of an outfit that fits into the first category. I got this Prussian blue colored top from a campus clothing swap. It has a knit front and an open lace back so it keeps you cozy, but also allows for some airflow.

 My plum colored booties are also from the clothing swap. Can you believe someone never wore these and freely gave them away???? They're so cute.

The other item I want to highlight in this outfit is my plum colored choker which I bought in India last month! I bought it in a market and it was hand crafted by local women. Not only does it benefit the women who made it, but it also is a perfect representation of the intricate beauty that Indian accessories posses. 

To finish this post, I encourage you to think about where your clothes are coming from. Where are your textiles created? Who is constructing your clothing items? 

I will do my best to show you that switching over to a slow fashion mindset is easier than it looks, and that upcycled/recycled items can be fashionable. 

 I cannot be the only person to make this change though. The only way that a movement like this can get off of the ground is if others find this change valuable and make small, everyday decisions that bring us closer to ending the fast fashion movement, All it takes is a little bit of research and some small changes to make the world a better place. 

I am psyched to see what comes of this change and the influence we can make. I am so happy to be back blogging and I missed all of you, dear readers! 

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