Top 5 Things I'm Thankful For
7:52 PM
[[MAKEUP INFO: The makeup in this post was done by Kendall Donnay. She was very pleasant to work with and she did a fantastic job. If you or someone you know is looking for a makeup artist, give Kendall a call! Her information is listed below]]
Kendall's number: 612 799 9840
Kendall's email:
As I sit here on the eve before Thanksgiving, I thought it would be more personable to take a break from writing about clothes and write a list of things I am thankful for instead.
With so many changes coming up in the next year, and final exams just around the corner, I want to take a moment to reflect on where I'm at.
1. I am thankful for my loving family. I'm thankful for two parents who love each other and have stayed together for 25 years. I am thankful that I have support in everything that I do.
2. Going along with #1, I am thankful that I have never had to know what it was like to be below poverty level. I'm thankful that I've never known extreme hunger and that I have never had to worry about where I would live.
3. I am thankful that I am able to go to a university and have access to a higher education. As stressed out as I am right now, I am thankful that I can get a degree and that I have the opportunity to study a topic I'm passionate about.
4. I am thankful for my church family. Thank you for being my secondary family and my backbone when I'm struggling. Thank you for loving me where I'm at.
5. And finally I'm thankful for all who have supported this blog. This blog would be nothing without Annis Nelson revamping it last year, Angi Lihnakevic (this is the last thanksgiving I can call you that) for your exceptional photography, for all of the companies who have collaborated with me this year and last but not least my readers. Without readers and support, this would just be my online diary haha You make The Sweltering Sweater what it is!
I hope you all get to spend tomorrow with family, friends and loved ones and I hope you have a happy and blessed thanksgiving!
Connect with me! Follow The Sweltering Sweater on Instagram!