Holiday Clothing Haul - Forever 21

8:45 PM

A few days ago, a follower asked where I shop and asked if I would do a holiday haul. So here it is!!! I scavenged Forever 21 and this is what I bought:

 This winter I am just IN LOVE with cozy fluffy socks. If it doesn’t feel like heaven on your feet, then they aren’t worth buying
A plumish-maroonish-dark purpleish beanie
In recent news, I found out that 50% of your heat comes out of your head (which begs the question: why don’t we have steam like coffee cups?) Anyway, Minnesota is always so chilly so I’m looking for hats to keep me warm 
 The next item is one I’m really excited about and one I haven’t stopped wearing since I got home from class today, a BIG FLUFFY SWEATER!!!
 I guess this is a good time to tell you that I AM DOING ANOTHER PHOTOSHOOT WITH AURORA SOON! So this will be included in that set. 
And finally, a pajama set. I like the pattern on the leggings because it isn’t your everyday look. It reminds me of a Christmas sweater pattern.
Well that’s it for today. I would love to see what you guys are purchasing this holiday season!

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